VIPER - $1,000 package includes:
Your ad displayed on a 4' X 6' Field Banner for the entire football season
Sponsor listing on team website ( with link to your website
Game Program – ¼ page advertisement
Shout out on Verrado Football Social Media and Announcements on Game Day
GOLD- $1,500 package includes:
Your ad displayed on a 4’ X 8’ Field Banner for the entire football season
Sponsor listing on team website ( with link to your website
Game Program – ½ page advertisement
Shout out on Verrado Football Social Media and Announcements on Game Day
PLATINUM- $3,000 package includes:
Your ad displayed on a 4' X 10' Field Banner for the entire football season.
Sponsor listing on team website ( with link to your website
Team Plaque for you to display.
Game Program - Full page advertisement
Shout out on Verrado Football Social Media and Announcements on Game Day
Coin Toss @ 1 Home Varsity Game
Please send your print ready (pdf. file) advertisement, business card, and/or message/picture by email or to the address below before August 20, 2022,
to guarantee your banner will be displayed on the field for first season home game.
Email to or mail to the address below